Renewing expired licenses per §97.505 of the Commission’s Rules

The FCC now offers partial credit for expired General, Advanced or Amateur Extra licenses.  A license that has expired and gone beyond the two year grace period will be canceled in the FCC system.  The licensee will not automatically qualify for a new license.  At a minimum, previous license holders must take the current Element 2 (Technician) exam to return to amateur radio.  The FCC will issue a new call sign and a new license when the Technician exam is passed.

The FCC also offers partial credit for Pre-1987 Technician licenses.  Please refer to the Pre-1987 Technician License “Grandfather” Credit Section below.

Expired License for Exam Element Credit

FCC Rule §97.505(a) offers partial credit to an examinee who has an expired General, Advanced, or Extra license.  If an applicant held a General or Advanced license, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) written exam only.  If an applicant held an Extra license, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) and Extra (Element 4) written exams.  At any exam session, it is the applicant (not the VEs or coordinating VEC) who is responsible for supplying the evidence of holding valid expired license credit.

The section titled “Valid Forms of Exam Element Credit for Expired Licenses” explains the acceptable documentation to satisfactorily verify the license status of someone eligible for such credit under section §97.505 of FCC Rules.

If your license has been expired for less than two years, you can simply renew the license.  No additional testing is required.  You must fill out a form 605 indicating that you are renewing an expired license, checking the appropriate blocks or entering information as needed, and submit it with the other paperwork for that exam session.  We will process your renewal application when the other paperwork is submitted.  There is a $15 charge for this service.

If your license has been expired for a period exceeding two years and one day, you must first take and pass the Technician (Element 2) exam.  Once that exam is passed, you must then demonstrate proof of having held a license of a “higher” class, such as a General, Advanced, or Amateur Extra Class.  The fact that you once held a Technician, Technician Plus, or Novice class license does not allow them to skip this step.

Your application for a new Technician license will be processed as it would for any other applicant.  Our procedures to successfully process an applicant who is wanting their license to be restored under §97.505 must do the following:

  • You must select any of our open exam sessions via Wireless Exam Gen.
  • Once you have selected the session of choice, you will load the information page for that session on Wireless Exam Gen.  you will see an option that reads “Reissue EXPIRED License”.  you must click on that and then click “PROCEED”.
  • You will complete the 605 form, just like any other applicant would for a new license or upgrade.  In that form, you will need to provide your current (or previous FRN if known), along with your old callsign, class of license and your current mailing address.  Once all of that has been provided, you will submit your 605 form and pay the $15 exam fee.
  • Once the application is received, you will need to complete an Affidavit Form and Verification of Facts (form is below).
  • Upon arrival at your scheduled exam session, you will test as if you were just getting into amateur radio by taking an Element 2 (Technician) examination.  If you pass, we will certify your results as a new Technician licensee, however on the 605 it will indicate you are getting your license class restored pursuant §97.505 of the Commission’s Rules.
  • We will forward your documentation for final processing and the applicant will get a new callsign under your previous class of license.

The relicensing provisions will generate a new license and systematic call sign.  This process does not reactivate your original license or call sign.  If, after you receive your new license, you still want your old call sign, you can apply via the vanity call sign program.  We do not process vanity call sign applications.  Vanity call signs may be obtained directly from the FCC, via your online filing procedures, or with the aid of a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator that is authorized to process vanity call sign applications.  Both the ARRL VEC ( and the W5YI Volunteer Examiner Club ( can help applicants.  The Last Frontier Amateur Radio Society website contains additional information about vanity licensing, and applicants interested in this provision should visit our CALLSIGNS page.  If you have any questions about this program, please contact us by email at testing|[at]| and we will do our best to help!

Valid Forms of Exam Element Credit for Expired Licenses

At any exam session sponsored by the Katahdin Amateur Radio Society, the VEs will review all credit documents presented by applicants.  Persons who hold an expired General or Advanced license receive General written exam (Element 3) credit per FCC Rules.  Persons who hold an expired Extra license receive General (Element 3) and Extra (Element 4) written exam credit per FCC Rules.  This can be verified if an applicant presents any of the following:

  • Per FCC Rule §97.505(a), an original or copy of an original expired FCC issued General, Advanced or Extra license as indicated on the license.
  • A REFERENCE COPY of the license printed from the FCC ULS license database or FCC archive database located on the FCC website
  • If licensed in the mid-1970s or after, FCC will issue a ‘License Verification Letter’ indicating that the applicant was licensed.  The FCC stated any requests for verification must be submitted in writing to: FCC, ATTN: Amateur Section, 1270 Fairfield Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325.  The request must include name, address, telephone number, date of birth, call sign issued at that time, and when the license was granted (if exact date is not known, give the approximate time frame).  The FCC asks those inquiring to include any information that may be helpful in researching these requests, but it does not need to know details of the examination session, such as where the test was administered or who gave it.  “These requests must be researched on microfiche, so you will be very time-consuming,” an FCC spokesperson said, adding that no one should expect an overnight response.
  • For 1966 or more recent records, the FCC’s research retrieval service contractor, Best Copy & Printing, Inc.  (BCPI), will obtain the General, Advanced or Extra license certification from FCC records.  There is a charge for this service.  For assistance in purchasing copies of FCC documents, please contact BCPI directly.  Phone: 202-488-5300 or 1-800-378-3160.  TTY: 202-488-5562.  Fax: 202-488-5563.  Email:  BCPI Web Site
  • A 1967 Edition, or later, Radio Amateur Callbook listing is acceptable as proof provided the ‘G’ (General), ‘A’ (Advanced) or ‘E’ (Extra) license class appears on the page next to the call sign listing.  Only Callbooks issued Fall 1967 or later will show the license class.  Be sure to copy the year of publication reference, if not printed on the page.

Pre-1987 Technician License “Grandfather” Element Credit

FCC Rule §97.505(a) offers partial credit to pre-1987 Technician licenses.  If an applicant held a “Technician” prior to 3/21/1987, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) written exam only.  The FCC does not require the applicant to have been continuously licensed.  At VE exam sessions it is the applicant (not the VEs or coordinating Volunteer Examiner Club) who is responsible for supplying the evidence of holding valid grandfather credit.

The section titled “Valid Forms of Exam Element Credit for Pre-1987 Technician License” (shown above) explains how to verify the Technician grandfather credit status of someone eligible for such credit under section §97.505 of FCC Rules.

Valid Forms of Exam Element Credit for Pre-1987 Technician license

At any exam session sponsored by the Katahdin Amateur Radio Society, the VEs will review all credit documents presented by applicants.  For General written exam (Element 3) credit, persons who took a 50-question Technician/General written exam before March 21, 1987 receive Technician grandfather license credit per FCC Rules.  This can be verified if an applicant presents any of the following:

  • Per FCC Rule §97.505(a), an FCC Technician license issued before March 21, 1987, as indicated on the license.
  • An original Element 3 Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) issued before March 21, 1987.
  • If licensed in the mid-1970s or after, FCC will issue a ‘License Verification Letter’ indicating that the applicant was licensed as a Technician licensee prior to March 21, 1987.  The FCC stated any requests for verification must be submitted in writing to: FCC, ATTN: Amateur Section, 1270 Fairfield Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325.  The request must include name, address, telephone number, date of birth, call sign issued at that time, and when the Technician license was granted (if exact date is not known, give the approximate time frame).  The FCC asks those inquiring to include any information that may be helpful in researching these requests, but it does not need to know details of the examination session, such as where the test was administered or who gave it.  “These requests must be researched on microfiche, so you will be very time-consuming,” an FCC spokesperson said, adding that no one should expect an overnight response.
  • For 1966 or more recent records, the FCC’s research retrieval service contractor, Best Copy & Printing, Inc.  (BCPI), will obtain the pre-1987 technician certification from FCC records.  There is a charge for this service.  For assistance in purchasing copies of FCC documents, please contact BCPI directly.  Their contact information is as follows:
    • Phone: 202-488-5300 or 1-800-378-3160.
    • TTY: 202-488-5562.
    • Fax: 202-488-5563.
    • Email:
    • BCPI Web Site
  • A 1987 Edition, or earlier, Radio Amateur Callbook listing is acceptable as proof provided the ‘T’ (Technician) license class appears on the page next to the call sign listing.  Only Callbooks issued Fall 1967 or later will show the license class.  Be sure to copy the year of publication reference, if not printed on the page.
  • QRZ.COM has posted on your website a copy of your very first Amateur Radio CD ROM product as originally published in 1993.  This searchable database contains license records from 1983 to 1993.  A printout of such a listing from the CD ROM or the web page, showing a Technician license effective or begin date prior to 3/21/87 is acceptable.

CSCEs for Exam Element Credit

At an exam session, the VEs will review all credit documents presented by applicants.  Per FCC Rule §97.505(b), an ORIGINAL Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) issued within the previous 365 days at a Volunteer Examiner Club sponsored exam session, is acceptable proof for the Element(s) indicated on the form.

CSCE Special exception: Photocopies may, in special circumstances, be acceptable provided you contain the valid original signatures (in ink) of 3 accredited VEs (in addition to any signatures that may appear on the copied original) attesting that the copy is a certified copy of an original CSCE form, and a reasonable explanation of why the original is not available.  

If the applicant has tested with the Katahdin Amateur Radio Society remotely, we will be able to locate and validate your CSCE.  The CSCE must have been issued less than 365 days prior to the date of your upcoming exam, otherwise it is considered to be void.  Acceptance of photocopied CSCE forms will be considered on a case by case basis and is NOT guaranteed.  The Katahdin Amateur Radio Society Chairman will make the final decision on accepting a photocopy of any CSCE being presented for element credit.

FCC Rule Pertaining to Element Credit

FCC Rule §97.505 Element Credit.  The Certifying VEs must give credit as specified below to an examinee holding any of the following license grants:

Operator ClassUnexpired (or within the grace period)Expired and beyond the renewable grace period
Amateur ExtraNot ApplicableElements 3 and 4
Advanced, General or Technician
granted before March 21st, 1987
Elements 2 and 3Element 3
Technician Plus or Technician granted
on or after March 21st, 1987
Element 2No Credit

Affidavit Form and Verification of Facts

Every person wishing to take advantage of this new rule will be required to fill out and sign an affidavit that states you are entitled to receive credit for elements passed previously.  This affidavit is your statement that you are the same person as shown on the expired license.  This document is available as a PDF form by clicking HERE.  The affidavit is required even if your current name and address match the expired license.  The affidavit form should be reasonably self explanatory, but don’t be afraid to ask questions.  The affidavit is different from and separate from the regular Form 605 that all applicants submit.  In the case of relicensing, both forms are required.

Even with a signed affidavit, additional scrutiny from the VE team will be needed to determine if the declared facts are plausible.  When you have completed the affidavit, please send it by email at testing|[at]| along with your proof of license and a clear copy of the front of your valid, government issued photo ID as attachments.  In that email, please be very sure to inform us the date you have signed up to test so we can enclose it with the application when you pass the Technician (Element 2) examination.  Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us!