Frequently Asked Questions relating to our License Testing Program

Am I permitted to use a calculator for the exam?

Yes, you may use a calculator for the exam if the memory can be cleared to the satisfaction of the VE team.

If I don’t have a calculator and want to use one, may I use the one that is built in to my operating system?

We don’t permit examinees to use the operating system’s calculator.  We do, however, have a calculator built into the exam platform itself and the Lead VE will explain how to access it while you are in the exam room.

May I take more than one exam at a session with Katahdin ARS?

Yes!  Do keep in mind, we hope you are prepared to pass any additional element(s) at the exam session.  There is no extra charge for taking more than one examination.  We do not, however permit applicants to simply try another exam unless they have fully studied for it.

Am I allowed to use multiple monitors during the exam?

No.  While we enjoy seeing applicants with plenty of screen space, you will be asked to consolidate all of your work down to one monitor  You will be asked to power down any additional monitors that are running before your exam begins.

Am I allowed to use earbuds or a headset to test?

Absolutely not!!!  We prohibit the use of any earbuds or headset while you are testing.  We prohibit the use of these devices because prior applicants have used them to cheat on their exams.  You must be capable of testing without earbuds or a headset.  No exceptions!

I am not sure if I am fully ready to test.  Do you have a place for me to take a practice exam?

Absolutely!  Our in house exam platform has a practice exam generator.  In fact, the interface is identical to how your actual exam would appear, shoud you decide to test with us.  Of course, you would not get the same exam, as they are all generated randomly.  To utilize our practice exam generator, please click HERE to learn more.

May I take my exam in an open environment, such as a living room or loft?

Yes, as long as you understand that no one is permitted to enter the area while you’re test is in progress.

May I use my Microsoft Surface, tablet or iPad to take my exam?

Absolutely not!  The exam must be taken on a laptop or desktop computer.  There are no exceptions.

What devices are permissible to use as a second camera?

You may use a smartphone, tablet, iPad or another laptop with a webcam.

May I use Zoom on the web to join the exam session?

No!  You must install the actual program or app on any device you intend to use for the exam.  There are no exceptions.

When will I get my Zoom link to join the exam session?

We receive this question a lot.  You will receive an email from us with the time you will be joining our exam session.  The time listed will be the approximate time to start watching your email for a Zoom link.  Be advised we may have a short delay, so be flexible and we appreciate your understanding!

How long does it take for my license to be issued after I depart the exam session?

If you pass your exam, congratulations!  We send the documentation to our coordinating VEC for processing immediately after the session ends.  The data is passed on to the FCC within five business days after testing with us.  If more than five business days have passed since your exam and you don’t see an email to pay the FCC, please reach out to our coordinating VEC.  You can reach them by telephone at (860) 594-0200, option 5 to speak directly with ARRL VEC.  You will need the date of your exam, as well as the club who administered it for them to help locate your record.

If I sign up for an exam and select “ASAP” from the list, how long does it take for me to find out the day I am scheduled for?

Should you decide to not pick a date and instead take the next available exam, we will normally contact you via email or telephone within 24 to 48 hours after your application is submitted.  Normally, we have availability on sessions that are in the very near future and we will place you into a slot with our very next session.  Should you have a preference for another session, we would ask for you to inform us as soon as possible.

If I am testing from outside the United States, may I present my foreign passport or other foreign identification at exam time?

No!  If you are testing from outside the United States, you must present proof of being a Permanent Resident or United States Citizen.  We will not accept any foreign identification.  There are no exceptions.

Is there a time limit on the exam?

Nope!  Unlike other groups that have ridiculous rules about time limits, we do not impose anything of the sort.  In fact, you are encouraged to take your time.

May I use a VPN to take the exam?

No, we ask all applicants to disable their VPN, as well as other browser addons or extensions prior to joining their exam room, just to make sure we have a clean environment.

Does the Katahdin Amateur Radio Society offer special sessions, outside of those regularly scheduled?

If you have a legitimate reason as to why one of our regularly scheduled sessions don’t work for you, we will ask for an email to be sent to ve|[at]| with your proposed date/time and reason(s) why a special session is requested.  Keep in mind, your request will not be granted if we don’t have enough VEs available to fill the need.  Please be mindful of that when sending us your request.  Your request for a special session is not guaranteed.

If I need to reschedule my exam, do I have to pay again?

Nope.  Just tell us when you’d like to test.  It’s that easy!

I am on a tight schedule.  I am trying to set my calendar as I have other things going on during the day.  How much time should I block out for my exam from start to finish?

To be fair and transparent, it is recommended you have a two hour window.  This helps with any delays with prior examinees (should you not be first on the roster for that session) and also if you plan to test for more than one element.  That will offer you a great safety net.

I am scheduled to test this evening and I haven’t received an email yet.  Can you help?

Well of course we can!  We do ask that you check the spam or junk folder with your email service before contacting us.  Almost all applicants who tell us they haven’t received an email find it in one of those two folders.  An easy way to locate it is to search for “” (without the quotes) in your search box.  That helps locate it quickly.  If you indeed have not received an email, give us a call and we will make sure you receive it.

Am I restricted to any specific room or place to take my exam?

Absolutely not!  You can sit anywhere as long as the room or area is free of anything that could help you pass your exam, and other individuals know to stay away until you’re finished.

I am a blind applicant and want to take my exam with the Katahdin Amateur Radio Society.  Apart from the standard application process, is there anything else I need to submit prior to the exam?

In support of your request to test with us, we must have proof of your blindness from an ophthalmologist or other licensed practitioner.  You will be required to send an email to testing|[at]| with the contact information for the medical facility where we would get those records, if you don’t already have them.  Per Part 97.509(k), we are allowed to request this information to ensure you are getting an examination that meets the applicant’s need.  Our in house exam platform is fully ADA compliant and works well with most screen readers for the blind.

I am a hearing impaired applicant and use American Sign Language to communicate.  I am unable to hear instructions from the VE’s.  Can you still help?

Absolutely!  We will need proof of your hearing loss from a certified audiologist to ensure we have satisfied Part 97.509(k) of the FCC’s rules.  You will need to send contact information or documentation from your audiologist to testing|[at]| and we will provide an ASL interpreter when you come to test with us.

What happens if I answer “yes” to the felony question?

If you indeed have been convicted of a felony crime in a state or federal court in the United States, you will have to send some additional documentation to the FCC prior to your amateur radio license application being granted.  For more information on the Basic Qualification Question (i.e. the “felony” question), please click HERE to learn more about the documents required and necessary procedures after you take your exam.