Study Tools and Resources

Amateur Radio License Study Materials
      Amateur Extra

HF Propagation & Ionospheric Activity

U.S. Amateur Radio Regulations
FCC Part 97 – Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio Resources

Listed below are helpful resources pertaining to the amateur radio art and other technological items as well.
Practice Exam Generator – Wireless Exam Gen
HamTestOnline – Great resource that is lightweight and follows our desire to help the underserved.  This is an excellent resource for those who have limited bandwidth and can not attend a class in-person.
Amateur Radio Callsigns – A complete guide on systematic and vanity callsigns in the United States
Renewing an Expired License – A comprehensive description on how expired licenses can be renewed in the United States
ARRL Technician Class Course – YouTube
NOTE:  The YouTube course is our club’s top selection of video material for getting your Technician class license!
ARRL YouTube Channel
QRZ Database
Ham Radio Prep is the nation’s leading online class for amateur radio, having served 60,000+ students. It is a modern all-in-one platform with videos, lessons, quizzes, and games that makes it easy to pass your ham radio license test on your first try.
HamStudy by SignalStuff – Paid Amateur Radio Courses Online
HamTestOnline – Paid Amateur Radio Study Service Online
Winlink E-Mail
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)
NOAA Weather
Skywarn Weather Spotter Program
Echolink VOIP Software
Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN)
FEMA – Emergency Management Institute
Learn CW Online
KiwiSDR Receivers Online

News: Articles, Podcasts and Shows
News & Weather
Amateur Radio Newsline
Ham Nation | TWiT
HAM Radio – DX News – DX Peditions – DX Information – Amateur Radio
Ted Randall, QSO Radio
AmateurLogic.TV | Ham Radio & Technology
start [AmateurLogic.TV Wiki]
W5KUB Radio Blog(Tues)
JT65-HF: an ‘Odd’ but Fun Digital Mode
VOA – Voice of America English News
Resonant Frequency ? The Amateur Radio Podcast
73 Magazine (Amateur Radio Today)
Active/Common Signals – Signal Identification Wiki
Frequency counter with PIC and 4- to 5-digit LED display
KH6JRM’s Amateur Radio Blog
Fofio!: Radio Kit Guide
NK7Z Amateur Radio reviews and software setups
SolderSmoke Daily News | Solar Cycle 24 | Space Weather and Amateur Radio Website
The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast: Keep Current.
WA7BNM Contest Calendar: Home
No-Nonsense Study Guides – KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog
SHTF COMS: Emergency Communications When Disaster Strikes
Radio Modes and Modulation RTTY

Clubs, Groups and Oganizations
Spirit Mountain Amateur Radio Club
Communications Resources : AMRRON
Courage Kenny Handiham Program
QRZCQ – The database for radio hams
Y.A.C.H.T. hams
Youth Forum | QRZ Forums
Elmer Award

Radios & Gear: Parts & Support
Ham Radio Outlet
NovexComm – Radio Rack Mounts
DIY Chip Amplifier Kits, PCB’s, Components and Information.
X1M multiband qrp transceiver
Motorola Info
Mania Radio(CAT Control)
Motorola Information Index
Mods for IC-7100 |
The Definitive Guide to the 16 pin MaxTrac series Option Connector Baofeng UV-5R, UV-5R Plus and UV-5RA Radio Resources
Microphone Connections
USB Winlink Adapters

Radio: Nets, Repeaters & Spots
Allstar Nets
EchoLink Nets
Ham Radio HF Nets
Ham Nation D-STAR After Show Net
ARRG Amateur Radio Relay Group Nets
Broadcastify – Live Police, Fire, EMS, Aircraft, and Rail Audio Feeds
Contesting Online Home
Scanner Frequencies – Phone Numbers – IP Addresses
K7PP (Seattle Repeaters)
PAPA System(So. Cal Repeaters)
QSO/SWL real time maps – W2LN – 50
Tropospheric Ducting Forecast for VHF & UHF Radio & TV

Digital Modes
DODROPIN Echolink Conference Server
D-Star UK: for the second century of Amateur Radio
dl5di/OpenDV ? GitHub
DStar Commander Image at W6KD Forum
Echolink / Linux | KJ6ZD
Digital Speech Decoder – George Smart’s Wiki
IRLP – Internet Radio Linking Project
FreeDV | HomePage
Echolink on Linux
Paclink Setup
APRS: Hardwired Cell | WCARES
APRS: Using an Android phone on an HT w/VOX
PSK Automatic Propagation Reporter
WB8WGA’s Simple Inexpensive TNC | Enide!
NJ6N & G7LWT’s D-STAR Script Shop
OpenRepeater Project
X Reflector Directory
The PropNET Project

Electronics, Computers & Tech
Battery Charging Tutorial, ChargingChargers
High Gain Yagi Wi-Fi Antenna
UbuntuHams – Ubuntu Wiki
NEETS – Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series
RoMac Software
notes on ShinySDR by HA5KFU
Electronics 101 – Fundamentals of Electricity – Lesson 1
GPS receivers connectors pinouts diagrams
KDJ’s Other WebSite
Ramesh Dhami, VA3UV
Update: SignaLink and Other USB Digital Interfaces